I used the opportunity (don't you love when those pop-up!) to talk to my boys a little about what it means to be "gay" or "straight". I shared with them about how years before "blacks" and "whites" weren't allowed to mix, and even after segregation ended there were people trying to keep human races separate. I feel like the same thing is happening now with ever-changing, ever-new, bully-made "crime", and there will be plenty more I'm sure. (I'm so sick of the status quo.)
I want my boys to know that sexual orientation does not matter. That it is okay for someone to be different from them (in all things) and different from them never means bad or wrong or evil.
This conversation led us deeper than I thought it would. It became more of a spiritual talk. I wanted to see what my children's opinions were and what they thought. I wanted them to delve into themselves, to see what truths they would discover and pull to the surface. I love these talks. No one is ever right or wrong, we all just share. It's beautiful.
To me: Human spirits are gender-less, colorless, and it is wrong to assume that our outside shells match the inside exactly. That is all our bodies are shells. Cocoons. A guise.
I want my boys to know; but I also want them to realize this and learn it on their own. I don't want to have them just believe it because I do, or because I told them to. I want them to have open minds that question everything, even me, so that they become the strong thinkers and world changers, the knights that they are meant to be. For now, we talk, we share, always open, always communicating.