Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Why I Refuse the NYS Tests and Oppose Common Core Curriculum

Written by Theresa Lang-Bruno

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
~ Albert Einstein

I've had so many people ask me lately if I think my stance on the current state of education and refusing the state tests will truly make any difference, and if I really think anything will change.  I've even had a few say to me, “Why focus on something so small when there are so many bigger issues out there?”

My answer is this: 

The people that control the school system are the same people that will be molding your children's minds.  Think about that.  Our children are in school more waking hours then they are home with their families.  Studies have shown for years that the developing mind of a child is malleable and anxious to learn.  The curriculum going into these young minds will stay with them and shape them into the future adults they will be.  I, for one, want a say in that.  Government control of education has no place in America.  It is leading America towards a Communist government instead of the Democracy it is supposed to be.  It takes away freedom, and very honestly becomes an easy way to brainwash and manipulate the future adults of America.

I do not see it as a small issue.  It is huge.  Literally, the people who have control of our children’s education are the ones that will shape their outlook on life.  They are the ones who will create the exactly what future generations will be like, down to a T.  It will sometimes be subliminally, and sadly many parents won’t even know it’s happening.   

I think that we can make a difference.  I think we can change things.  And I think if you see this as a small issue, it’s going to come back and bite you when you least expect it to.  The more people that stand up and say “NO!"  "This is not right!" "I will not have this!” the more we will see a change.  When that change comes it will lead more people to stand up for their rights and to see that they do have a voice.

I want my children to learn to think for themselves, not how to fit perfectly into a box (which in no way can both prepare them for career and college!).  All 3 of them are so completely different.  They do not belong in a one-size-fits-all box.  They are amazing individuals.  They have been taught to think for themselves and to share their opinions and to question everything.  Yes, everything, even me.  Respectfully and politely with good reasoning and facts, they can even question me.

So here's the deal. 
I am against Common Core. 
I am against State Testing. 
I have made the decision to REFUSE the testing this year, and EVERY year they subject the schools to them, and I do not put much emphasis on the Common Core homework.

This is because I am strongly against the government controlling our schools, implementing programs and telling us that we have no choice but to follow them.  I am against the government and "higher ups" trying to convince us we have no voice.  I am against political leaders black-mailing schools into agreeing with the Common Core implementation with the promise of more funding - what school doesn't need more funding!?!  Schools were never meant to be controlled by the Government.  It is unconstitutional, and, seems to me, close to illegal.  (All I can picture is Hogwart's when Snape was headmaster!)  

Education should have transparency! There is no reason for false threats, wrap-arounds and secrets! All that does is emphasis there is a bigger picture!

I am against teachers being evaluated by how well their students do on these state tests, and in turn teachers feeling the need to teach to a test instead of being able to share their love of knowledge with the children they've always wanted to help. Teachers go to college for their love of children and their desire to make a difference in lives. Our world today is lacking in so much. There are so many children who do not get the love, comfort, peace, etc.that they should receive in their home. Elementary classrooms were that to them. These teachers with big hearts for these beautiful children want to be that. Textbooks can only teach so much. What used to be a full-circle education is coming down to rote and mechanics. When we know due to study after study that play and touch are so important to young children - why would we push for a more confining and rigid atmosphere?  Why would we want more rote and mechanics and less humanity?  Bring teaching back to it's 'core' and we will see everything turn around. What do you want the future America to look like?

There is no way to be both 'career-ready' and 'college-ready'.  This is what these Common Core advocates claim to be able to achieve.  All they will do is simply weed-out the unwanted and cause more drop-outs.

But more than anything I am against "The Man" trying to stomp on the little people.  There are more of us than them!  We need to fight and, as a unit, our voices will  be heard.

Do I think we will be able to abolish Common Core and get our education system back to where it belongs (and I'm not saying it doesn't or didn't need some reform!). 

My answer is YES and more so.  I think when people realize, that with little, small steps, (like sharing information with friends) a big difference will be made.  When our voices raise together and others see it, we will see real changes taking place, and we'll see more people stepping up to stand tall and proud for what is right. 

There is no way to change things you do not like if you do not put an effort in.  There is no sense in complaining about the things you do not like if you refuse to stand tall.  Do not whine to me about how awful something is, if you will not attempt to make a change.

So this is it.  This is my "simple" answer and the reasons I feel so strongly about my decision to refuse.  I wrote this for me, to help me realize exactly how I felt and exactly why, but I'm sharing it with you so you will understand what is really at stake here.  This is huge.  I hope you all take the time to think about what I've said and make an informed decision for yourself and your family.

Written by Theresa Lang-Bruno

Additional Resources:



Building the Machine movie (40mins)