One thing that has been constantly on my mind lately is the question;
"How do you look through the eyes of the people you love, and who love you?"
While, for the most part, the answer is supposed to give you a confidence boost. Showing you that even when you're feeling the worst you possibly could, you can go, wait a minute, that's not true...
But here I sit, the critical, over-thinker that I am & I'm seeing it more as a "How can I be better?"
"How can I prove that I really am all that they see me to be?"
Or at the worst "How disappointing am I?"
I want to take it as a challenge.
I mean come on now. We all have our moments. We all have things we're not proud of.
And honestly, when it comes down to it, if you can't answer that question without a guilt-trip, without 'happy' thoughts of who you truly are & the direction you're headed in.
You, my friend, are doing something wrong.
I may need some help, but I accept the challenge. I want to be called out when I'm being a bitch, or being unreasonable. I want to know when I'm being a downer. So that I learn to stop myself before things get out of control.
I do not want a single minute to pass in which my loved ones feel unloved or unwanted. I do not want a single minute of my selfishness or pride to ruin someone else's day.
We're all just people & we all need to learn not to take things personally. If we each just focus on being the best person we can be, there'd be no fear of being seen as something you are not.
You know what the answer should be?
That no matter how I look to them right now, I will be better tomorrow.
Because the honest truth is we can all do better.