Wednesday, July 30, 2014


The truth.  Why is it so hard for some people?  The truth makes things easier.  You don't have to remember a story.  You don't have to worry about someone finding out.  You keep yourself free of burdens.  You can breath.  People don't realize the weight they put on themselves.  How absolutely relieving you feel when you live as if you have nothing to hide.  

For just a minute open your mind to this truth...

I'm sitting here watching "Lone Survivor" with my family.  I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face. I can't watch.  I don't want to watch.  Yet, I can't look away.  It's such a waste.  It makes my stomach turn.

These men, these poor men.  These Americans.  These Afghanis.  Bad men.  Good men.  It all depends on what view you were raised with, what country you're from, which stories you've heard.  My point is made all to clear with the Afghanis that end up helping.  They are not all bad.

These men, ALL of them, are/were someone's child, someone's father, someone's lover.  It's not fair.  It's so heart-wrenchingly sad to me.  Each of them stood strong for their beliefs.  Each of them willing to die for what they felt was sacred.  Each of them wasting their lives.  FOR WHAT?!?!

Some may be mad at me for saying this, for even thinking it, but YOU think about it.  Think about the way you were raised.  Think about what you hold true and sacred.  Think about the brainwashing you receive daily through media.

Some of you may go through a list a mile long about the good these Americans did.  Even if it simply that they killed so many Afganis.

I am so sad for these brainwashed people.  For these people threatened into compliance.

It isn't fair.  Power is a sickness.  It destroys.

(Side-note due to the people who tend not to think before comments --> I am against violence and evil, no matter which "side" it comes from.  I am not anti-troops.  I am anti-war.  Hate and violence only creates more hate and violence and the circle never ends.  Be open-minded and think for yourself.  That goes way beyond the media, it comes from within.  Truth.)