We all know that feeling. The one where your very heart hurts. The one where the pain in your chest is crushing and almost unbearable. The one that makes it hard to breath. The one that no matter what your mind tells you, still send you crushing blow after crushing blow. The one that makes you want to scream at God "Why?!"
Some of the most important lessons are the ones that bring us to our knees writhing in pain. It hurts so badly but in the end you're a sparkling diamond. I know this, you probably know it too, deep inside, but it sucks.
Which leads me to this....

It's true you know. When you only focus on the good, you're all of a sudden hit with a wall of good. Don't let the negatives pile up. You are strong enough to fight them. You are strong enough to fight the lies your emotions want to you to feel and you are courageous enough to feel the truth in your heart and soul. Dig deep. That's where the truth is. It's a hard fight. I know it all to well. It can be done. I will do it.
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