Be yourself. If you have to hid who you are, or pretend you're something you are not - you are only harming yourself and are in the wrong place with the wrong people.
Your reaction to whatever happens to you, both good and bad, can make all the difference in the world.
Time goes by quickly, so make memories and spend time with those you love when ever you can. "This to shall pass"; the bad AND the good.
Money isn't everything! It is nice, and it can make life easier, but remember it's down low on the list of what makes life great!
If you think you're to small to make a difference remember what it's like to trying to sleep with a mosquito in your bedroom! (Paraphrased from Dalai Lama XIV)
Emotions are a tricky thing. Be aware of the confusion they are bound to cause. Many times in your life you will find yourself torn between emotions and intelligence.
Patience! Patience! Patience!
The Serenity Prayer: God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.
I needed to add the below agreements. They have changed my life, and I hope that you will also accept them as your own. The agreements may be hard to live by when you start, but it does get easier, and living by them will help you be able to release so much of the negativity of this world we live in and be the best person you can be.
It is my goal to raise you to be confident, capable, adults who don't settle for the mediocre world we live in. It is my goal to give you all the tools I can so when you go out into the world you will not need me. I will be there, always, to revel in each of your accomplishments, but you were meant to soar and I know I can't always hold your hand.
I love you my Son-shines , my knights, my baby boys,