Monday, September 9, 2013

Hard talks. Awesome son.

The inevitable has happened.  But despite that I don't think I'm quite ready.

After I put the younger boys to bed tonight I sat down with my oldest son to have one of those conversations you always think you have a few more years before you have to have.  I'm not talking about sex or drugs or any illegal behavior.  Those that know me know I'm pretty open with my kids.  There isn't much we haven't talked about and their moral compasses are on the right track.

This talk was about how hard it can be to fully know a right from a wrong, but to be in a place where wrong is "right".  This talk was about how I fully trust my son, how awkward and uncomfortable these situations can be, and how he 100% will be in a place like this some day, probably multiple times.  Peer pressure.  (Ugh, do I really have a son this old?!?!?!) 

We talked about how there will be decisions he'll have to make on his own.  Things to do and places to go that will be his choice alone.  I can prepare him, I can give him the tools he needs to make the right decisions but I can't always be there.  I can't always guide him.  He will need to be free to learn from his mistakes and grow into his own person.  I'll always be there no matter what, but he's growing up, whether I like it or not.

I thought I would get the eye-rolls and shoulder shrugs teenagers are known for, instead I had this young man sit next to me and have a full conversation.  He told me some of his thoughts and fears.  He told me he understood.  He made sure I knew that he understood.  When our talk was over he gave me a hug and asked me if I had any pimple cream he could use...

God, I'm not ready for this!  However, I am amazed and so proud of the young man I now have living under my roof.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Of course he responded like a grown man.. You are raising them right! Love you and him! Im so proud of both of you!
